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The B List

1. Shecky’s

Presspass001 What it is: Shecky’s is a multi-platform media company that keeps us gals city-savvy and in-the-know with daily brewed online content on neighborhood-centric nightlife, fashion, beauty, and entertainment venues. They’re also the ingenious folks who thought up the Shecky’s Girls Night Out concept.

Why we love it: Why wouldn’t we? Don’t know what to do or wear on a Friday night? All you have to do is head to Shecky’s to stay informed on the latest and greatest in products, brands, locations, services, and events. Shecky’s is the go-to for where to party, how best to enjoy the city, and how to look good doing it (and that’s the most important thing, right?).

Their 5-hour Girls Night Out events are filled with endless fashion, glamour, beauty, shopping, cocktails, freebies ... and of course fun. Check out the upcoming Shecky’s Girl Night Out in Miami
http://girlsnightout.sheckys.com/miami/fall2007/default.asp?rf=home1 (Belisi will be there! Will you?)

2. BrandHabit.com

What it is: A growing directory of boutiques across the country. When you find a product you like you can search for the boutiques that carry that item. The site also features a blog, trend guides, and links to other blogs and fashion websites.
Why we love it: BrandHabit helps shoppers track down their favorite designers and must-have items online, and then tells them where they can find them locally. It's a personal shopping service that takes the guesswork out of shopping, so you can arrive at a local boutique knowing you will find the item your little heart desires. BrandHabit makes it easy to get your hands on that crucial pair of J Brand jeans or special C&C shirt without all the usual shopping dilemmas. It's also a way to discover boutiques you may not have known about otherwise.


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